Brain Works, drawing
Brain Works, drawing


Here's me

from Brainworks

Visual 71%, Auditory 28.6%,
Right brain 54.5%
Left brain 45.5%


My brain:

balanced hemispheric dominance
strong visual preference

intensity of sensory preference determines my learning style


absorb environment

select details and embed them in context
adds nuances of meaning


active and searching

produces energy
processing multiple inputs


focus more than one aspect of situation

push for resolution


tolerate ambiguity

seek completion, accept process


occasionally get impatient


always able to work through problems in logical sequence

also other options available


may have insufficient time to reflect

thus lose sense of meaning
not appreciating "inner being" as much as I otherwise might


constantly seek stimulation

artistic without being "odd"


active learner, logical, disciplined



digging with many hands ruckus, oh my! muckity between the toes


Mud Soup an atelier of art and writing
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This work is © Copyright 1999-2011 by Aimee Colmery of MudSoup Studio, Santa Fe, NM, USA
It may not be reproduced in total or in part without the author's express written permission.

All trade marks, brand names, and works cited are acknowledged as belonging to their respective owners.