O Be Joyful, monoprint
O Be Joyful, monoprint







Buddhists would say "let go of meaning." I say watch, observe objectively as words and meanings come and go. Take what you need (or want to use) and leave the rest.

Letting go completely offers little passion, possibly a stupor of banal detachedness. But passion, fiery enthusiasm, is a place of putting energy where it just goes on!

Maybe the Great Thinkers like Aristotle, Plato, Descartes, Spinoza and the boyz abhor passion because a passionate person so easily gives into indulging their energy into the intensity of living. It could easily swing out of control. Desire for more becomes too much for the psyche. Surely, any extremes of human desires could be dangerous. So we must hate what we fear?

October Morning, monoprint
October Morning, monoprint

I see, feel, and love being passionate as a fluid form of energy expression. I love the lust for life it gives me. It motivates, excites, pushes me into new places of being, places of expression. It's a power play between my psyche and my energy: to be in balance and yet giving juice simultaneously.

Spring Wind, monoprint
Spring Wind, monoprint

Where else can the will to live originate from? How else can one distinguish between goodness and discomfort?

The Great Thinkers must not trust themselves to act in a controlled and loving way. There must be a distrust for human ability to behave consciously, believe in the goodness of humankind. This lack of trust creates fear. Fear creates separatism, hierarchal value placement, and if powerful enough, a passion big enough to motivate acting on that fear. Such as it is with hate crimes.

So must destructive passion always give the passion for goodness and life a bad rap? Are some of our ensconced cultural systems in place merely as a means of controlling (directing, squelching, eliminating, using) any kind of passion? Systems such as:
Patriarchal power base
The Media

Have we set ourselves up to pointedly sequester our energies?

It is in pushing against the structure that I grow. Brushing against the maleness, the boundaries, edge lines, to battle conformity, convention, to challenge the norm makes the energy flow.

Peter's Grace, drawing
Peter's Grace, drawing

The energy, the more feminine fluidity, intention, and motive makes me dare to go, to try, to risk. It is an energy of powerful intention, backed by the cyclic morphesis of women throughout time, that creates my passion. Women can participate in this: the connectedness of feeling with others. The birth cord, the link of life energy binds us with a force for light and goodness. In darkness dwells our passion, our lust for growth and weaving, binding, making. It is the inner work that maleness abhors. Their concern is more with outer ego, personality, and pushing perimeters further out; defining boundaries. Their risk lies in pushing the edges of territories far and wide, gaining others' space, conquest and triumph.

  Goodness Emerging, drawing
Goodness Emerging, drawing


Is this not the same passion, desire, greed for more that motivates even the most pious soul? Passion run amok, never satiated, obsessive and cruel IS dangerous. Any imbalance of feelings and energy can be dangerous.

Grey Matter, drawing
Grey Matter, drawing

Passion, lust for life, can also generate creative energy in its purest form. Being alive is a creative act. Being passionate makes it juicy!





digging with many hands ruckus, oh my! muckity between the toes


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This work is © Copyright 1999-2011 by Aimee Colmery of MudSoup Studio, Santa Fe, NM, USA
It may not be reproduced in total or in part without the author's express written permission.

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