Collaborative Painting by Aimee and Shinobu
Collaborative Painting by Aimee and Shinobu


Hi Aimee, This is Shinobu

I have been writing many and many strange stuff this week.
I cannot sleep and cannot go to school.
My eyes are red. I cannot show you my red eyes.
It is like a sick. I just cannot stop writing.
I want to work for my final thesis. I know Chuck is
waiting on my papers, but I cannot quit writing.
I heard there are many sale at Park Plaza, but I cannot go.
You need to help me, Ha Ha ...... :)

Anyway, this is one of strange stuff I wrote this week.
I think this is coming from the art project.
Don't worry this writing doesn't make any sense.
It is just strange, like me.

CAUTION: This contains many technical errors.


Island, detail of Collaborative Painting
Island, detail of Collaborative Painting


I don't remember my grandma, but I am sure she gave me White.
My daddy taught me where is Dark Green.
It became our deep wood on the island.
My oldest sister told me Purple is on my hand.
I still cannot see it, but I feel its softness on my hand.
She gave it to me.

Naval Orange, detail of Collaborative Painting
Naval Orange, detail of Collaborative Painting

My another sister showed me how to make Navel Orange with tomato
sauce and ground beef. It was bad, but I still like its color.
I stole Sky Blue from my mom's apron pockets.
It is like a place where Chopin used to live.
I know he is still alive inside my Sky Blue.
My grandpa gave me his Gold pen, but I told him
a silver pen is enough.
I want to be Silver, shining under billions of street lamps.
Aimee knows it is still in my box.
Aimee sees all my secret colors.

Secret, detail of Collaborative Painting
Secret Colors,
detail of Collaborative Painting

On the way here, Aimee picked Black up.
Its darkness is (mucho mucho) deep. I cannot
reach the bottom of it.
I need to take out my grandma's White, or my
grandpa's Gold pen.
So Aimee's Sparkling Colors will wake up soon.





digging with many hands ruckus, oh my! muckity between the toes


Mud Soup an atelier of art and writing
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This work is © Copyright 1999-2011 by Aimee Colmery of MudSoup Studio, Santa Fe, NM, USA
It may not be reproduced in total or in part without the author's express written permission.

All trade marks, brand names, and works cited are acknowledged as belonging to their respective owners.