of effective teachers
across my life:


interested in me, open to my perspective

enthusiastic about their own subject area, their own life


Christmas Blaze, monoprint
Christmas Blaze, monoprint


open to ideas and to finding choices

allowed me to find my way

encouraging at the right time


consistently available

challenged me to go one step farther, try a new way


DSC Walkway, drawing
Campus Walkway, drawing


not God, but ready to lead and guide

lots going on in their lives


spontaneous, multi activity


Envision, drawing
Envision, drawing





digging with many hands ruckus, oh my! muckity between the toes


Mud Soup an atelier of art and writing
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This work is © Copyright 1999-2011 by Aimee Colmery of MudSoup Studio, Santa Fe, NM, USA
It may not be reproduced in total or in part without the author's express written permission.

All trade marks, brand names, and works cited are acknowledged as belonging to their respective owners.