Shinobu writes:
Aimee, See you soon
Shinobu, You can finish your thesis. You can read. You can draw. You can write. You can do anything!!!!! I am writing on my thesis in little bits and pieces. Mostly about the tornado. Michael says to start there and work backwards. Sometimes backwards is good. I want to be at peace with all of it. But I won't let anything take away my passion. Experiencing is what I must do now. It is good. I like each moment and what I can give and get. We went to Hot Springs last Saturday to the hot baths. We had a massage too. Yesterday I read in the sun. I got some black paper to draw on. I haven't drawn anything since the tornado. I'm getting ready. Like you are with your thesis. We have to be ready before we can leap off the edge empty handed into the void!!!
See you soon.
Shinobu writes:
Oh, Aimee.
Hope you are having a great day. Shinobu see you soon | ||