Warning signs of unhealthy relationships


My part:

Trying to impress
(appease, oppose, condemn, deny, degrade, derail)

Solving another person's problems for them inappropriately

Setting boundaries

Taking on more than I can handle

Doing things for another that they could do for themselves

Shrugging off crossed boundaries like it doesn't matter

Confusion with sexual signals, how to respond to them

Being driven by passion of the moment instead of responding with peace, serenity, joy, and warmth

Another person's part:

Manipulation through guilt

Dishonesty and lying

Saying they will do something, then not coming through with it

Minimizing my needs

Treating me as though I am the cause of their problems

To those would manipulate and abuse me, my child, or my space, or try to have control of me, I say
Go On------Get Away
Never will you enter my world
HERE is my boundary

  Get Away, drawing
Get Away, drawing














  Through Guilt, drawing
Through Guilt, drawing







digging with many hands ruckus, oh my! muckity between the toes


Mud Soup an atelier of art and writing
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This work is © Copyright 1999-2011 by Aimee Colmery of MudSoup Studio, Santa Fe, NM, USA
It may not be reproduced in total or in part without the author's express written permission.

All trade marks, brand names, and works cited are acknowledged as belonging to their respective owners.