
I am extremely grateful for your patience with me this semester. Still everyday I think, okay, today things will get back to "normal" (whatever that is) and I'll get back into my routine. My only routine so far is that I get up and write or draw for at least an hour or so as dawn shines through my studio window. And then the day begins...


Spring Wind, monoprint
Spring Wind, monoprint


After dropping Jenna off at school there's always a contractor, workman, insurance adjuster, bank, inspector, city codes, historic district paperwork or some such detail of the tornado's aftermath to contend with. By the time I sit down after lunch to begin again, I scramble to accomplish something worthwhile - just to say I'm barely even keeping up with the tsunami I'm riding with school.


Christmas Blaze, monoprint
Christmas Blaze, monoprint


So, I've done what I can with my Graduate Assistantship work and am not too far behind to panic. And I'm caught up with my work in Julia's Theory of Rhetoric class...and boy if I had a nickel for every time a hot, juicy Language or Composition Theory idea from one of your two classes has come up....I'd buy you a cup of coffee (I will anyway!) Yep - Friere, Heath, Burke, and even Atwell. You have taught us well, Michael!

So now I'm feeling a strong need (actually an urge) to only focus on my Thesis for a few weeks. Here's my plan: I have got to stop creating stuff for my Thesis, so I've set the deadline as this Sunday, March 7th. From that day forward until I finish (I give myself 3 weeks - till Spring Break) I will pull all the parts and pieces together and weave them together into a cohesive whole. This means that officially and formally, this is ALL that I will do for that period of time. I've asked my Graduate Assistantship leaders' permission to break with my GA for that time. Will see if Julia will be able to work with me too.

My intention with this plan is to narrow my focus, to get the Thesis work completed, and then go on and take care of my other obligations.

So when I get underway, I may be coming to you for help. (And to buy you that cup of coffee!)

If this sounds okay with you, let me know. Again, I am so incredibly thankful for your understanding.



Snoweater, monoprint
Snoweater, monoprint




digging with many hands ruckus, oh my! muckity between the toes


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This work is © Copyright 1999-2011 by Aimee Colmery of MudSoup Studio, Santa Fe, NM, USA
It may not be reproduced in total or in part without the author's express written permission.

All trade marks, brand names, and works cited are acknowledged as belonging to their respective owners.